在上個月 (2015/11) 時,在 OneDrive Blog上突然發佈要降低免費用戶的空間,從原本的 15 GB變成 5 GB,並且連同手機上傳照片功能贈送的 15 GB空間也要取消。Free OneDrive storage will decrease from 15 GB to 5 GB for all users, current and new. The 15 GB camera roll storage bonus will also be discontinued. These changes will start rolling out in early 2016.
今天開始,你可以連結到「https://preview.onedrive.com/bonus/」網址,然後點選「Keep your free storage」鈕之後,就可以保留原本的 15 GB以及手機上傳照片功能贈送的 15 GB空間。Click below and your account will not be affected when the amount of free storage changes from 15 GB to 5 GB and the +15 GB camera roll bonus is discontinued.*
圖片來源: OneDrive 網站